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1. Circadian Sleepers, scanning something cloaked... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
I just popped through a high sec gate only a few moments ago, to find 3 Circadian Sleeper Drones, I have seen this before but usually just ignore them after I exhausted all the things I could dream up to get them to interact with me, including pop...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2014.12.19 06:54:26
2. Sticky:Tranquility Connectivity Issues - 01:00 UTC - June 12, 2013 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Takeshi Hendrix wrote: Quote: Quote: There was a message in the shutdown announcement saying something close to "See you again in 20 minutes". Why even put such a message in your shutdown announcement when you have no way to keep such a...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.12 04:46:00
3. Sticky:Tranquility Connectivity Issues - 01:00 UTC - June 12, 2013 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Takeshi Hendrix wrote: CCP Falcon wrote: Mr Mutombo wrote: Gailen Enaka wrote: 8 CCP Falcon wrote: UPDATE - 02:25 UTC - We are currently preparing for a short unscheduled reboot of Tranquility. UPDATE - 02:30 UTC - Reboot of Tranqui...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.12 03:45:00
4. Sticky:Tranquility Connectivity Issues - 01:00 UTC - June 12, 2013 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
If it were not so insulting to the poor DEVs working their azz off, it might be funny, some of these posts, the whining little maggots... I think these people have proven without a doubt that certain people shouldn't drink and park because accide...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.12 03:37:00
5. Sticky:Tranquility Connectivity Issues - 01:00 UTC - June 12, 2013 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Maxx Kilbride wrote: Gerrin Deveroux wrote: All of these whinging little maggots complaining about this need to go back to WOW and raise the IQ of both games. CCP do a damned fine job and no, its not always their fault. BTW, best TEST is a...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.12 03:33:00
6. Sticky:Tranquility Connectivity Issues - 01:00 UTC - June 12, 2013 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Cephalosa Galactica wrote: you guys understand that DDoS or distributed denial of service actually a small virus on a client computer that starts pinging an ip right? so what next ccp, are you going to recommend that we all format o...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.12 02:57:00
7. Announcement:Unexpected Dowtime Update - Tranquility Is Back Online - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Moretic wrote: I hope to see a fairly good reimbursement. Dont get me wrong, yes I dont like ppl doing these ddos attacks but when it comes right down to it, ccp is a very public creature and should expect these things( have plans for it ) Tha...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.03 12:41:00
8. Announcement:Unexpected Dowtime Update - Tranquility Is Back Online - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
drillerkiller2004 wrote: I very much see CCP as a vendor offering me Software As A Service. Whilst I commend CCP for all of their hard work, and totally appreciate why they disconnect the cluster from the internet during the DDOS; it does **** ...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.03 12:10:00
9. Announcement:Unexpected Dowtime Update - Tranquility Is Back Online - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
PhantomMajor wrote: 2 DDOS attacks in 6 months, i guess someone is a little pissed at CCP for not compensating them for their ship loss through the petition system.... before you send the standard excuse "our logs show nothing" you might want t...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.03 11:50:00
10. Announcement:Unexpected Dowtime Update - Tranquility Is Back Online - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
ITTigerClawIK wrote: a valid question was raised but topic was locked and linked to an already locked topic to continue discussion but ill ask here, is the new launcher more susceptible to DDoS attacks? It's not the launcher that is suscepti...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.03 11:08:00
11. Announcement:Unscheduled downtime - Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Aprudena Gist wrote: it took you 15 hours to figure out you had a DDOS? how terrible at computers are you guys. Why in the world do you believe you are qualified to call anyone that works for CCP into question on a DDoS attack? If you ever...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.03 10:21:00
12. Announcement:Unscheduled downtime - Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
XxPsykosisxX wrote: .....And training que is currently inactive....... I love missing out on SP due to DT!!! ***sarcasm*** Ooookay Vanilla Ice, seriously, a few hours and crying about your training que? Seriously?
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.03 10:12:00
13. Announcement:Unscheduled downtime - Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
floating in space wrote: This is probably the most incompetent game company in existence. Just saying. I mean it's almost comical. Just think of all of it together DUST, things like this, sometimes I think I'm dreaming. You must not hav...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.03 10:07:00
14. Announcement:Unscheduled downtime - Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Acwron wrote: Lady Areola Fappington wrote: Things slowly getting back together, awesome. Got to be a stressful time in the CCP offices, doubly so with the new expeansion rollout. Seriously though CCP, please, no SP "compensation". Remember...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.03 10:03:00
15. Announcement:Unscheduled downtime - Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
A lot of people have been suggesting that it "would have been nice" if they went ahead and did the June 4th update during the down time. I think it would be great if they did, but I am wondering how do you know that it hasn't been done? How do yo...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.03 09:59:00
16. Announcement:Unscheduled downtime - Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Laura Ravencroft wrote: It's Monday Morning 04:47am my time. Server Went Down Sunday at around 09:00am. Though while I understand why the Game Server went down, why the hell would forums have to be down all day and all night long yesterday. Tim...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.03 09:56:00
17. Announcement:Unscheduled downtime - Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Templar Knightsbane wrote: 1. I speak English as i was born, raised and have lived all my life in England, where i think the English language originated from. 2. You think America is a place without religious bias, where people exist without ...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.03 09:51:00
18. Announcement:Unscheduled downtime - Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Templar Knightsbane wrote: Nexeroff Severasse wrote: Templar Knightsbane wrote: General Guardian wrote: Cluster not accepting connections here (once again) West Australia The servers havent gone back up yet for anyone, so AU tz can...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.03 09:39:00
19. Announcement:Unscheduled downtime - Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Eternus3 wrote: I knew all them socket closed errors we been having wasn't our fault. Server has been down for nearly 24 hours for me personally and I got a fleet of about 3b+ floating in space if the previous posts are true I expect SP and shi...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.03 09:31:00
20. Announcement:Unscheduled downtime - Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Templar Knightsbane wrote: General Guardian wrote: Cluster not accepting connections here (once again) West Australia The servers havent gone back up yet for anyone, so AU tz can feel just as hard done by as the bitching americans, im pr...
- by Nexeroff Severasse - at 2013.06.03 09:28:00
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